COMEQUI Offers Hope to Kivu Farmers

10.12.2016, Goma, DRCTMB is proud of its continued support for the activities of COMEQUI.

COMEQUI is a not for profit organisation that aims to contribute to sustainable development in the African Great Lakes’ region. In particular COMEQUI supports farmers to achieve fair trade and organic certification for their produce.

The television programme ‘7 à la Une’, broadcasted every week on the Belgian TV channel ‘RTBF la Une’, featured a report on COMEQUI and its President, Michel Verwilghen, on Saturday 26 November.

You can watch the show by clicking here. (COMEQUI report begins at 4’25’’.)

For more information on COMEQUI, including on how you can support the organisation’s activities, please contact:
E-mail: [email protected]