EMRC AgriBusiness Forum in Kinshasa

19.03.2015, Kinshasa, DRCEMRC’s AgriBusiness Forum is taking place in Kinshasa, at the Grand Hotel, from 22 to 25 March 2015. The Forum, hosted by the Government of the DRC, is organized in partnership with the FPI (Fund for Industry Promotion), the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), the FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN), and with the support of private sector participants including the Rabobank Foundation and TMB.

EMRC is a non-profit International Association composed of a network of entrepreneurs, financiers, consultants and officials based throughout the world.  EMRC's mission is to lead the private sector in Africa to sustainable economic development and to drive regional change via partnerships.

Organised annually, the AgriBusiness Forum is a unique combination of Plenary Sessions, Technical Workshops, Business Meetings and a Market Place. The EMRC-Rabobank Project Incubator Award of US$15,000 forms an important element of the Forum, and aims to encourage African SME agro-initiatives.

The AgriBusiness Forum is the largest pan-African AgriBusiness Forum held on African soil annually and aims to contribute to the strengthening of the Agri-business sector in Africa, by encouraging partnerships, exchanging best practices and attracting investments. The forum is the optimal platform to discuss and present successful projects and business models. This year’s theme is “Toward Inclusive Growth: A Vision for Africa’s Agricultural”.

Oliver Meisenberg, TMB CEO, will give a special address at the Gala evening of the Forum, on Monday 23 March.

Rock Ngouoto, Head of credit at TMB, will take part in a debate on ‘Addressing the financing needs in agriculture: the role of agricultural banks, commercial banks, investment funds and foundations’.

Moreover, TMB officers and managers will be present throughout the Forum; they will be at the disposal of all participants and will be happy to answer their questions.

For more information or to register for the AgriBusiness Forum please contact:
Tel.: +32 2 626 15 15
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.emrc.be/en/events/agribusiness-2015.aspx