Frank Verhoestraete is crossing the DRC on his motorcycle

1.03.2013, Muanda, DRC – Frank Verhoestraete successfully completed the 2013 Dakar sporting DRC. TMB was proud to sponsor the ambitious driver’s participation in the race.

Back home, Frank now aspires to a new challenge: crossing the DRC on his bike!

TMB will obviously be at his side.

During his journey, he will stop in front of our TMB branches. If you want to meet him, take pictures and ask him questions about his trip, please do not hesitate to join us.

You will find below the details of his stops at our branches during his journey:

2 March: Muanda – Kinshasa
5 March: Kananga – Mbuji-Mayi
6 March: Kamina
7 March: Kolwezi
8 March: Likasi – Lubumbashi – Kasumbalesa

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact your local TMB branch.