Kongo-Central Interschool Basketball Tournament
2.05.2019, Tumba, DRC – TMB has been actively supporting the promotion of basketball in Kongo-Central since 2013. This year we have sponsored the sixth edition of the Interschool Basketball Tournament of Kongo-Central, Trophée Daniel Mukoko Samba, which is held annually across the province of Kongo-Central. The playoffs took place from 28 to 30 April, in Tumba, a Catholic mission near Lukala.
Twelve schools were selected for the playoffs in the cities of Kimpese, Kisantu, Lukala, Mbanza-Ngungu, and Tumba:
– Kimpese – 3 schools: CBCO Nzola, Institut Kyundu, and Lycée Lamba
– Kisantu – 2 schools: Institut Kubama, and Complexe Scolaire Goretti
– Lukala – 3 schools: Lycée Cilu, Institut Lukala, and Institut Kasa-vubu
– Mbanza-Ngungu – 3 schools: Institut Mwenze A Velela (current defending champion), Lycée Bankaz, and I.T.C Badika
– Tumba – 1 school: Institut Tumba
Playoffs were played between a Kimpese team, Lycée Lamba, and a Mbanza-Ngungu team, Institut Mwenze A Velela.
The team of Institut Mwenze A Velela, already champion of last edition, won the tournament with a score of 76 to 66.
The TMB teams in Kongo Central and all TMB teams congratulate the Institut Mwenze A Velela and all participants!
Your TMB branches in Kongo-Central:
470 Avenue Mobutu – Nzadi
Tel: 081 706 7835
5 Avenue Vivi – Ville basse
Tel: 081 200 0022
Port Sec AIDEL-TICOM (Ledya)
6497 avenue Ango-Ango – Kinkanda – Matadi
Tel: 081 711 8483
700 Avenue du Commerce – Océan
Tel: 081 200 0015