New TMB Branch Opens in Bukavu

30.08.2019, Bukavu, DRC – TMB is pleased to announce the opening today of a new TMB branch, located on the campus of ISP, the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Bukavu.

Committed to always being closer to clients, TMB now offers a network of some seven outlets across Bukavu.

Our head of branch ad interim, Serge Cirhuza Bahi, and his professional and dynamic team are waiting to welcome you to our new branch where you can transact all your banking needs.

Please find below contact details for the new branch:

Bukavu ISP
Avenue Kibombo – Ndendere – Ibanda
Tel.: 082 758 2013
E-mail: [email protected]

TMB, notre banque pour la vie
PEPELE Mobile, révolutionnons la banque!