TMB awarded Best Bank in DRC by EMEA Finance for the third consecutive year

22.10.2013, Kinshasa, DRC – Trust Merchant Bank has won EMEA Finance’s “Best Bank in the Democratic Republic of Congoaward for 2013 for the third consecutive year. TMB will officially receive the award on Wednesday 11 December, in London, at the African Banking Awards 2013 ceremony.

EMEA Finance recognizes that “TMB continues to enjoy an exceptional level of growth despite being in a competitive market that is home to seventeen rival institutions”.

A number of the Bank’s recent successes have convinced the jury of its decision. The jury noted that the opening of nineteen new branches in 2012 and the scheduled opening of a further twelve by the end of 2013, makes TMB “the only bank in the country that can offer clients nationwide coverage”.

EMEA Finance also welcomed the crucial role TMB played delivering a DRC government initiated project to implement payment of civil servant salaries via the banking system.

Noting robust annual increases in net banking revenues EMEA concludes with the view “TMB to continue fending off the competition”.

TMB is proud to receive this award which confirms the efforts made by TMB since its creation in 2004 and resolutely inscribes the Bank in the future.

TMB, notre banque pour la vie.