TMB launches the PEPELE Mobile Debit Card
23.02.2017, Lubumbashi, DRC –TMB is delighted to introduce our new PEPELE Mobile Debit Card.
Clients can now take advantage of our PEPELE Mobile VISA Debit Card and we will very soon also offer a PEPELE Mobile MasterCard Debit Card.
The PEPELE Mobile VISA Debit Card is directly linked to the client’s PEPELE Mobile account.
Our PEPELE Mobile clients can benefit from access to the entire national and international VISA network, both for withdrawals and for payments. PEPELE Mobile users will also be able to make online payments on websites that accept VISA cards.
Clients who apply for our new PEPELE Mobile VISA Debit Card between 23 February and 30 April will be entered into a competition to win prizes of $20, $100 or $200. Further information can be found at TMB branches.
Yannick Mbiya Ngandu, Executive Director at TMB, is very enthusiastic about the potential of this new card for our PEPELE Mobile client: “Make your PEPELE Mobile transactions around the world thanks to the PEPELE Mobile VISA debit card!”
In common with all our VISA and MasterCard products, the card provides the utmost security and convenience.
Click here to see the launch video for our new PEPELE Mobile VISA Debit Card.
If you would like to order your new card or if you have any questions or queries about your TMB cards please contact your local branch or email [email protected]
Please call 4009 for any queries relating to PEPELE Mobile.