TMB Partners Lubumbashi Equestrian Club´s International Show­‒Jumping Competition

15.10.2014, Lubumbashi, DRC – Lubumbashi Equestrian Club is holding its 24th Annual International Show-Jumping Competition this October, from 23 to 26 of the month.

TMB is a long-time partner of this international equestrian event. As TMB is celebrating is 10 Year birthday in 2014, we are delighted to be supporting the Grand Prix of the International Competition, which will be followed by a spectacular fireworks display.

Participants from Europe, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and of course the Democratic Republic of Congo will take part in the competition.

We are looking forward to welcoming participants and spectators alike, in particular on Friday 24 October for the TMB 10 Year Grand Prix and fireworks display.

We wish the best of luck to all participants.


CSI 2014