Transferring Money within the DRC
We offer money transfer services across the entire DRC. You can transfer funds to any Congolese bank at highly competitive rates. TMB itself boasts the most comprehensive branch network in the country, facilitating transfers to many of the more remote parts of the DRC.
Pepele Money Transfer With this new service from TMB, anyone can send and receive funds in CDF, USD or EUR across the entire TMB branch network, at a very attractive rate, even if you don’t have a TMB account. Please visit your nearest TMB branch to find out more, and start benefiting from the Pepele Money Transfer service.
Avec Pepele mes transferts en un clin d’œil!
International Transfers
To ensure maximum security and speed of execution to its customers Trust Merchant Bank is affiliated to the SWIFT network. TMB SWIFT is TRMSCD3L. The SWIFT network provides access to the global banking system allowing TMB to connect and exchange financial information securely and reliably. Through SWIFT you can send funds to almost any destination around the world, or similarly transfer funds from an overseas bank account to your TMB account.
Receiving money from abroad
For receiving a transfer from abroad, your correspondent must provide the following information to the remitting bank:
- Name and complete account number of the beneficiary of the transfer at TMB
- Country of the beneficiary: Democratic Republic of Congo
- Name of the Bank: Trust Merchant Bank S.A.
If you need more information, please contact: [email protected]
Correspondent Banks